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New Orba Players Welcome!

Hi there and welcome to the new Orba forum!

Please introduce yourself, and let us know what you think. We’re eager to hear your thoughts. 

If you come upon an issue, the fastest way to find a solution is by contacting [email protected]. Though we do our best to always respond, your post in this forum could get lost in the more high-volume threads.

You can also feel free to start a new forum thread if you have an interesting discussion point. It could be about anything – the sounds, the industrial design, the app as it continues to be developed, or anything else!


Rock and roll,

Adam from Artiphon

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My Orba 2 arrived (finally) yesterday, I spent hours today going through the tutorials multiple times.  It just doesn’t do what the ads, videos, and tutorials say it’s supposed to do.  I’m very disappointed.  

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Welcome to the Artiphon Experience™. Prepare yourself for a lot more of that feeling.

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@Rick Antonoff "My Orba 2 arrived (finally) yesterday, I spent hours today going through the tutorials multiple times.  It just doesn’t do what the ads, videos, and tutorials say it’s supposed to do.  I’m very disappointed." 

Clearly it does all of those things that they did in the ads and the videos. What exactly is it that you are trying to do that you can't get it to do?


said 6 days ago


It seems that Artiphon is deleting threads criticizing their conduct with the Orba 2 release. As as Orba 1 purchaser, I'm frankly disgusted with this conduct and will never be purchasing from this company again - I bought Orba because of the promises to make it a functional instrument (quantization etc) and that promise was dropped as soon as it was possible to grab more money. Goodbye, Artiphon.

That's odd because Artiphon has to approve all comments made to the fora, and even in response to this topic, there are several comments, including this one, that are critical of Artiphon. 

If you search the fora, you'll see that the reason that the Orba "1" cannot simply be software upgraded into an Orba "2" is because some of the new features, such as sampling, require a lot more memory. The issues with quantizing have also been addressed. It is something that has to be done right, or else it will make things worse. They have been actively working on getting quantizing to work on the "One." I have been in the beta testing for that. It works...sort of. It's a bit clunky. It turns out that it takes lots more memory and processing power to do quantizing right, that why the Orba 2 can do it right out of the box. If they don't do it right, the same people that have been complaining about it missing will start asking why it can't properly handle 13 measure loops of 16th note triplets in 7/8 time.

There are MANY "functional instruments" that don't do quantizing or even looping. Even without those features, the things that the "One" does are a lot of fun.

Personally, I'm surprised that they could add so much functionality to the Orba 2 and sell it for only $50 more. I took my Orba 1 to Guitar Center. They gave me $30 for it and 10% off the Orba 2 because of the trade-in and free shipping to my house. Good deal as far as I'm concerned.

Aron Ben Elal
said 6 days ago

I still keep getting notifications on this forum after repeatedly contacting Artiphon, asking them to delete my account. 

P.S. I'm not an employee of Artiphon, just a satisfied customer. And you can unsubscribe to a topic on the support site by clicking the "Following" button at the top of the topic.


It will turn into a "Follow" which shows that your are no longer following the topic, so you won't be notified.


Aron Ben Elal
said 7 days ago


I still keep getting notifications on this forum after repeatedly contacting Artiphon, asking them to delete my account.

To unsubscribe from corporate Artiphon email, click on the "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the email or the Unsubscribe link at the top if your email client provides one.

To unsubscribe from a single topic in the fora ("forums"), click on the "Turn off" reply notification link at the bottom of the email. You need to do this for EACH TOPIC that you are following. By default, you follow any topic that you started or reply to in a forum.

To disable reply notifications IN A FORUM, click on the "Following" button at the top of the topic inside the forum. That will prevent you from receiving reply notifications.

If you won't want to have to do this in a bunch of places, you can usually block emails either from Artiphon or the Forums inside your email client. In Gmail, you do this in the "three dot" "More" menu.

P.S. I'm not an Artiphon employee. Just a happy customer.

Hi! How do I get to the original settings for example on the Drum mode, after I tried some presets?

Hello. So many promises for ORBA that are never made available again because the hardware is weak, so they created ORBA 2. They should collect the initial ORBA and exchange it for ORBA 2.

Should Apple collect all the original iPhones and exchange them for iPhone 14s?

I am completely new, Just learning by experimenting. 

Am completely new. Trying to figure out things.

Hi there,

I'm really looking forward to receiving my Orba soon—can't wait to start making music with it!

I was checking out the User Manual and had a quick question: Will the firmware update also be available for Linux? It would be a bit disappointing if I couldn’t update my Orba on my preferred system.

Additionally, if there are any known workarounds for Linux users, I’d love to hear about them!

Thanks in advance, and I appreciate all the hard work that’s gone into this awesome device.


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