lloyd haber Can you provide a link to the app on the google play store that you're talking about? When I search for orba and artiphon the results do not contain anything related to this device.
I've tried the different presets with the windows app and found that many of the lead sounds are inaudible when you have the drums, bass, and chords playing on loops. Did I miss a way to adjust the volume for a single instrument?
I also get a lot of static/noise, sounds like extremely overdriven speakers, when multiple instruments are playing at once.
Also the windows app UI doesn't make much sense. The play button doesn't do anything. I cannot get a song to save from the orba to the PC and back onto the Orba. I cannot see what data is contained in a song, loading them just results in the orba doing nothing when I press play. So the saved song is empty? Who knows.
You should be able to hear the presets form the app without having to load them into the orba.
You should also be able to load a preset for all four instruments at once if you want to.
"There is no link, it just downloads onto the phone."
There's some context missing here. What downloads onto the phone? By what means and after what other events? Via the play store? If the app is on the play store, you could search it on the play store and provide a link to it. Here, if you search for "orba" under apps:
The results look like the attached image. Can you point out which one of these is the app you're talking about?
I think Lloyd is talking about the beta – you won't find it in the Play store, so need to sign up in order for it to install.
The question was, "when will the Orba app be available in the Google Play store?"
The Apple App Store is not the Google Play Store.
No?! Why?!
The stand alone sound patches could be a bit more varied, but having said that, I've been tapping out ideas during downtime in work, then using it as a midi controller with Reason software when i get home.
I love it
Just got the little funball. So far it is quite a fun to play with. Ways for adding expression are cute.
Now the BUTs:
-Windows app is very confused about what is "saving", "uploading", "downloading", "overwriting". So far I only managed to save one song from the orba to PC, and once to somehow to put it on the orba again (but no idea how I did it, and it did not restore the presets I used when recording). Most of the time I succeed in deleting the current loop into nirvana or fucking up the song saved on PC.
-The statement "starts recording when you hit the first note" is not correct. It starts recording somewhere in the bars. Recording starts, when the metronome starts. If you are too excited to count: good luck finding the beginning of the loop. Only when a loop is recorded you get leds showing where in the bars you are.
-Speaking of bars: where do I set up how many bars I want to record. And is there a way to record more than 8 bars?
-Is there a way to record any other division than 4/4 (actually 8/4)?
-"You can set the pads to any note and key you like"? How? How to set a chromatic scale on 8 pads? As Samantha above asked: 7ths? 9ths? Can we edit the single note for any single pad?
-And then the Chords...
I know, I'm asking a lot here, and some things will not be achievable on the Orba. But a few ergonomic improvements should be possible, to make it a more rounded (pun intended) experience.
Thanks for reading in.
Adam McHeffey
Hi there and welcome to the new Orba forum!
Please introduce yourself, and let us know what you think. We’re eager to hear your thoughts.
If you come upon an issue, the fastest way to find a solution is by contacting [email protected]. Though we do our best to always respond, your post in this forum could get lost in the more high-volume threads.
You can also feel free to start a new forum thread if you have an interesting discussion point. It could be about anything – the sounds, the industrial design, the app as it continues to be developed, or anything else!
Rock and roll,
Adam from Artiphon
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