Please open this device up for developers, experimenters, and hackers!!!
started a topic
about 1 month ago
The Chorda is kind of a toy. Seriously, I'm sorry I did the kickstarter. But then I started building some Max for Live patches and using it to trigger things in Ableton. And it has a lot of potential for fun and more serious uses.
So how about opening up some of the details for more creative uses and hacking?!
For example I'd like to change the way the Strum keys work and have them just play fixed notes instead of moving through a scale relative to the keyed note on the neck. Another option would be to let me send them on a different midi channel. That would be cool too.
Just saying, I see similar interest on the Orb message board here and on Reddit. There's interest in letting us make the Artiphon instruments our own!!
The Chorda is kind of a toy. Seriously, I'm sorry I did the kickstarter. But then I started building some Max for Live patches and using it to trigger things in Ableton. And it has a lot of potential for fun and more serious uses.
So how about opening up some of the details for more creative uses and hacking?!
For example I'd like to change the way the Strum keys work and have them just play fixed notes instead of moving through a scale relative to the keyed note on the neck. Another option would be to let me send them on a different midi channel. That would be cool too.
Just saying, I see similar interest on the Orb message board here and on Reddit. There's interest in letting us make the Artiphon instruments our own!!