Windows User Preset Files:
//Images (500px x 500px .png files): C:\Users\[user account]\Documents\Artiphon\Common\Images //Presets (.artipreset files): C:\Users\[user account]\Documents\Artiphon\Common\Presets\Drum C:\Users\[user account]\Documents\Artiphon\Common\Presets\Bass C:\Users\[user account]\Documents\Artiphon\Common\Presets\Chord C:\Users\[user account]\Documents\Artiphon\Common\Presets\Drum //Samples (.wav files - 48kHz): C:\Users\[user account]\Documents\Artiphon\Common\SamplePools\User
Windows Factory Preset Files:
//Images (500px x 500px .png files): C:\Users\Public\Documents\Artiphon\Common\Images //Presets (.artipreset files): C:\Users\Public\Documents\Artiphon\Common\Presets\Drum C:\Users\Public\Documents\Artiphon\Common\Presets\Bass C:\Users\Public\Documents\Artiphon\Common\Presets\Chord C:\Users\Public\Documents\Artiphon\Common\Presets\Drum
MAC User Preset Files:
//Images (500px x 500px .png files): /Users/[user account]/Documents/Artiphon/Common/Images //Presets (.artipreset files): /Users/[user account]/Documents/Artiphon/Common/Presets/Drum /Users/[user account]/Documents/Artiphon/Common/Presets/Bass /Users/[user account]/Documents/Artiphon/Common/Presets/Chord /Users/[user account]/Documents/Artiphon/Common/Presets/Drum //Samples (.wav files - 48kHz): /Users/[user account]/Documents/Artiphon/Common/SamplePools/User
MAC Factory Preset Files:
//Images (500px x 500px .png files): /Users/Shared/Artiphon/Common/Images //Presets (.artipreset files): /Users/Shared/Artiphon/Common/Presets/Drum /Users/Shared/Artiphon/Common/Presets/Bass /Users/Shared/Artiphon/Common/Presets/Chord /Users/Shared/Artiphon/Common/Presets/Drum
NOTE: Append keys to download the files. For example: https://storage.googleapis.com/orba2_firmware_updates/v1.0.11/Orba2_FW_v1.0.11.zip
All software versions can be downloaded from:
All firmware versions can be downloaded from:
All factory sample pools can be downloaded from:
Artiphon Audio Engine JUCE Integration Guide
This document was embedded in the Orba2 app. Its interesting and may reveal some hints on various parameters.
Here is a bash one-liner to download the original sample packs for bash (works in GIT BASH for Windows, and in regular Linux bash, have no idea about Mac, it might possibly have other implementation of grep and sed)
for i in `wget -O - https://storage.googleapis.com/factory_content_sample_pools/ | grep -oP '\<Key\>.*?\</Key>' | sed -e 's/<[^<>]*>//g' ` ; do echo --- $i ---; wget https://storage.googleapis.com/factory_content_sample_pools/$i ; done
Downloaded 576Mb of zip files easily. In the context of emergency content restoration - it still a problem to determine a mother folder for these packs, but there is at least unreleased_manifest.xml with a list of sample packs that should go to ArtiphonExt2.
I can confirm it is not working for Mac. It will take slight modifications and I will post another version in the future. For those Windows users without GIT BASH, I also made a PowerShell version.
foreach($zip in ([xml](wget https://storage.googleapis.com/factory_content_sample_pools/).Content).ListBucketResult.Contents.Key){Write-Host "Downloading"$zip; (New-Object net.webclient).Downloadfile("https://storage.googleapis.com/factory_content_sample_pools/"+$zip, $pwd.Path+"\"+$zip);}
Create an empty folder, then hold <SHIFT> and Right-Click the folder and choose "Open PowerShell Window here". When PowerShell opens paste in the one-liner and hit <ENTER>
Format for the Orba2 factory samples is mono PCM signed 16-bit little-endian 48000hz.
Using wrong format, like other bits may cause white noise instead of the actual sound.
Using wrong sample rate hz will cause unexpected pitch shifting.
Here is the Mac version of the one-liner to Download all Factory Samples. It should work for a standard Mac setup (although I haven't tested because I have downloaded GNU tools)
for i in `curl https://storage.googleapis.com/factory_content_sample_pools/ | grep -oE '<Key>.*?</Key>' | sed -e 's/<[^<>]*>//g' ` ; do echo --- $i ---; curl https://storage.googleapis.com/factory_content_sample_pools/$i -o $i; done
Hi all. I'm new to Orba 2 and am trying to add custom presets in different musical modes (Phrygian in this case). I took a preset from this folder:
Modified it, and saved it to this folder:
However, no matter what I try, I cannot see the new preset in the app. Is this not a functionality that is currently available?
The reason you cannot see your Preset in the App is because it must have a unique uuid. That is the 32 character hexadecimal code (MD5) that follows the name. For example:
There are lots of ways to generate an MD5 code. A simple way is to use an online tool such as here.
You'll need to modify the filename with a new one as well as the uuid property inside the file.
Orba doesn't currently support musical modes. However, this feature has been requested numerous times since Orba 1. There are some hacks to accomplish this, but they have downsides. There are two known methods to do this today:
1. Change the Tuning Entry to that of a Drum preset. For example:
<!-- Change the Bass|Chord|Lead TuningEntry node from --> <TuningEntry key="C" name="Major" intervals="P1, M2, M3, P4, P5, M6, M7, P8" midiOctave="3" transpositionType="RetainNotes" type="tonal" tuning="60, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69, 71, 72"/> <!-- To a Drum TuningEntry like this --> <TuningEntry key="C" name="Major" intervals="P1, M2, A4, m9, P5, M6, m10, m21" midiOctave="2" transpositionType="RetainNotes" type="percussion" tuning="36,38,42,49,43,45,51,70"/>
-> Change the MIDI note numbers to the correct values for the mode you want. The downside here is that you cannot use the Orba 2 App's Tuning features to select a Key or Major/Minor modes.
-- OR --
2. WARNING: This method is dangerous and doing this incorrectly could brick your Orba. Start your Preset as a Chord and modify the ChordModifierParams such that each of the groups of 4 numbers are the same. For example, a Phrygian mode would be "0,0,0,0;-1,-1,-1,-1;-1,-1,-1,-1;0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0;-1,-1,-1,-1;-1,-1,-1,-1;0,0,0,0"
<ChordModifierParams majorChordList="0, 11, 16, 19; 0, 10, 15, 19; 0, 10, 15, 19; 0, 4, 11, 19; 0, -5, 4, 10; 0, 3, 10, 19; 0, 6, 8, 15; 0, 4, 9, 14; " minorChordList="0, 10, 15, 19; 0, 6, 10, 15; 0, 11, 16, 19; 0, 10, 15, 19; 0, 3, 10, 19; 0, 4, 11, 19; 0, 4, 7, 10; 0, 3, 7, 12; "/>
-> The downside here is that using a Chord type only allows you to press one pad at a time :(
I believe Artiphon has put some changes in place that are going to make this possible in the future but for now... no other options.
After tinkering with the .artipreset format for a while, I've finally written explanation of some internals of the .artipreset, regarding the SamplesSet, which is the core part of preset customization.
As we all know, Orba2 presets are configured by an .artipreset file, which is basically an xml file.
Artipresets that work with samples, at least modern ones, contain an xml element SampleSound that is explained below:
[SampleSet] contains a list of wav samples where each sample is described by SampleSound elements array, and some metadata.
>For example:
<SampledSound sampleIndex="0" name="E1" loopStart="130607" loopEnd="331519" pitch="44.847287" fileName="SF2_Synth-Square_E1_E2_b8dd7e94e9ae3436e93b391003f376f3.wav" subdirectory="SF2_Synth-Square" pool="User"></SampledSound> <SampledSound sampleIndex="1" name="G#1" loopStart="107400" loopEnd="287479" pitch="56.50404" fileName="SF2_Synth-Square_G#1_G#2_5ad6c793e97f1cc91d22abb82709eda4.wav" subdirectory="SF2_Synth-Square" pool="User"></SampledSound> <SampledSound sampleIndex="2" name="C2" loopStart="106165" loopEnd="330438" pitch="71.19063" fileName="SF2_Synth-Square_C2_C3_876a99e3f4e165a58d2997beb1d94c64.wav" subdirectory="SF2_Synth-Square" pool="User"></SampledSound>
[SampleSound] attributes information:
[sampleIndex] attribute is used in SampleSet sampleMap attribute, for composing "groups" from the samples.
[loopStart and loopEnd] define borders for "loop" part that happens if you hold a note for long enough to produce endless sounds, Orba plays this loop until you release the button. loopStart=0 and loopEnd=0 mean that there is no loop. Units here are not "time" based, these values are indexes of the data frames in the .wav file, or something like that.
[fileName] obviously, defines the wav file name, but with one caveat - it is mandatory to have _{uuid}.wav at the end of the filename. Without it, Orba rejects the sample.
UUID is a unique id of the sample, and each file should have its own uuid. UUID is a 16 symbol string, that contains numbers and lower case letters, like "b8dd7e94e9ae3436e93b391003f376f3" and by coincidence any md5 checksum can be used as UUID, at least if all samples have their own unique uuid.
[pool] means a sample pool subdirectory where sample is stored, both on the device itself and in the local Artiphon profile folder. All factory samplepools are like "AritphonExt1","ArtiphonExt2","ArtiphonBasic". But in our case, we always want to user "User" pool. At least this is a designated location for the user content. One day removal from this samplepool will work, I hope.
[subdirectory] is just a folder name for this specific sample set, and I keep it named the same as preset, but that's not an actual requirement.
[pitch] - This is an interesting one, and describes what is the tuning of the sample in Hz. It DOES NOT seem to be used by Orba2 in the process of deciding which sample it should play (it is defined by sampleMap/noteThresholds/velocityThresholds). Instead it is only used to decide how already chosen sample should be transposed during playback, changing both pitch and a speed of the playback.
For example, let's say, we are playing notes from 58 to 62, and according to sample mapping we are using the same sample for all this range, and its pitch is configured in SampledSound as 261.63.
For midinote 60, this sample would be played with no transformations, as note 60 perfectly matches this frequency. For note 58 the same sample will be played about 1.12 slower and therefore with a lower pitch compared to the original. And for note 62, sample will be played 1.12 times faster and higher.
Also, if negative, pitch attribute works differently. "-1" means that sample is never transposed, is static and sounds the same as in file.
If negative but not equal to -1, it will mean a static pitch correction coefficient. Like "how many times faster this sample is compared to what we want it to be".
For example pitch="-1.08844" seems to be fine as a correction coefficient for 44.1khz no-transpose samples. Basically it says "play this sample 1.08844 times slower"
As soon as Orba uses 48khz for playback, 44.1 khz samples will be played 1.08844 times faster without such compensation. But when pitch="-1.08844" is applied, sample is slowed again back by 1.08844, and in the end you hear sample with the same pitch as it is supposed to be.
Now to the sample mapping and thresholds in SampleSet element. They define how Orba2 decides which sample to play. At this point I should mention that I am not still sure about how it works for drums, it seems to choose samples in some other way, not still sure. But for Lead, Bass, and Chords that's how it seems to work.
Here is a snippet from the SampleSet element .artipreset xml:
<SampleSet name="PanDrum" noteThresholds="45,46,48,50,52,53" velocityThresholds="[50,90][50,90][50,90][50,90][50,90][50,90][50,90]" sampleMap="[0,1,2][3,4,5][6,7,8][9,10,11][12,13,14][15,16,17][18,19,20]">
Let's start with sampleMap.
[sampleMap] creates something like a groups of samples.
In this case the first group contains samples with "index=0", "index=1", "index=2", second contains indexes 3,4,5, and so on.
Samples in one group are triggered by the same midi note, but which one - will be defined by the incoming note velocity and velocityThresholds.
Which sample group will be used to play will is defined by noteThresholds described later. For now let's pretend that we already know which group is triggered.
Amount of "groups" in velocityThresholds is the same as in sampleMap, and each group corresponds to the group from sampleMap in the same position.
Each velocityThreshold's "group" defines velocity ranges that are used to choose which sample from the corresponding sampleMap group to play.
velocityThresholds group is defined in a somewhat lazy way, omitting the edge values 0 and 127 of the ranges as they are always the same anyway.
That's why amount of the numbers in velocityThresholds group is always one less than in the corresponding sampleMap group.
For example
actually means, that there are three velocity ranges, (0-50), (51-90), and (91-127).
And, combined with the information from the corresponding sampleMap group, we know that sample with index=0 will be played if incoming note velocity is in the 0-50 range, index=1 sample is triggered by velocity 51 to 90, and sample with index=2 will play for velocity above 90.
Also [] means group that contains one single range from 0 to 127, and corresponding sampleMap group will contain only one sample's index, like [0] or [10]
Now for [noteThresholds]
This one defines which sampleMap group will be triggered according to the incoming midi note value.
Basically, it is an another lazy-defined list of ranges, with omitted 0 and 127 values on the edges.
noteThresholds="45,46,48,50,52,53" means that there are the following ranges: (0-45),(46-46),(47-48),(49-50),(51-52),(53-53) and, attention, invisibly assumed (54-127)
this last range towards 127 is not written, and that's why amount of numbers in noteThresholds is always one less than amount of groups in sampleMap and velocityThresholds.
Each range corresponds to the sampleMap groups.
For example, 45 note will use sampleMap group [0,1,2] and note 53 will use sampleMap group [15,16,17], and everything above 53 will trigger group [18,19,20].
Therefore, to conclude, when you play a note with a certain velocity, Orba2 uses noteThresholds to decide which sampleMap group is responsible for this note, and after that uses corresponding velocityThresholds group to decide which particular sample (index) should be played.
@SubSkybox, thank you for editing my post, I think we will just leave it here posted from you, to reduce amount of unnecessary actions.
Meanwhile, I guess that I've got some partial understanding of the drum presets sample mapping.
when we push a pad, sample to play the pad is determined as below:
1) note number is taken from the Tuning
2) we lookup for SampleDrumPatch element by searching for the this note in the noteMidi attributes
3) we take index attribute of the SampleDrum patch and lookup for the corresponding sampleMap sample group using this index.
4) choose sample by velocity using velocityThresholds.
Long read:
While decide chain that chooses which sample to play for the Lead/Bass - seems to be
Pads->Tuning->noteThresholds->velocityThresholds->sampleMap->SampledSound[ ]
and the Chords is doing the same plus, you know, chords stuff, for Drums it is different.
For Drums this chain seems to be
Pads->Tuning-> SampleDrumPatch[ ] -> velocityThresholds->sampleMap->SampledSound[ ]
(it is simplified version without DrumPatch, CymbalPatch and ShakerPatch which are doing something useful as well, but I am skipping it for now,
because it works without these elements and I have still no clue how do they work)
First of all, Tuning.
Tuning is responsible for the midi note numbers produced, and for drums it seems to be something static, with no octave shifts.
Each number means midi note for pads from 1 to 8.
Usually it will be stuff like 36,38,42,49,43,45,51,70, but for some demonstration purposes lets say it is like below, just the same numbers as pads just doubled.
it works too, but will produce a preset which is kind of useless for controlling PC as midi controller sending some rarely used notes..
Here I assign note 11 for pad 1, note 22 for pad 2 and so on.
Also, 39 seems to be hardcoded for bump/shaker event, so it is kind of "11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88"+"39" under the hood. Btw, you even can assign same note to the different pads if you like.
Next element in the chain will be the list of SampleDrumPatch elements, where we determine required one exact SampleDrumPatch by noteMidi attribute.
For example, if we push Pad 2, and according to our tuning note is 22, we are choosing SampleDrumPatch with noteMidi="22". In our case it will be SampleDrumPatch with index=1. This index is vital. Order of SampleDrumPatch elements seems not to be vital, only index is.
<SampleDrumPatch index="0" note="0" noteMidi="11" ....
this one -> <SampleDrumPatch index="1" note="0" noteMidi="22" ....
<SampleDrumPatch index="2" note="0" noteMidi="33" ....
(There is also a "note" attribute, but it does not make any sense to me currently, and does nothing. I just suspect they are related to the DrumPatch/CymbalPatch stuff which I had omited.)
Anyway, now we've determined SampleDrumPatch index. In all factory presets, amount of SampleDrumPatches is equal to amount of sample groups in sampleMap and velocityThresholds, and that's not a coincidence.
Each SampleDrumPatch has his own dedcated sample group, determined by SampleDrumPatch's index attribute (counting from zero).
This index corresponds to the sample group number, so in case of sample mapping like below,
we have different sample groups with one sample in each, and if we are searching for the sample group for SampleDrumPatch with index=1, it is the second group from the left - [1]
In case if sample group has more than one sample, looks like the same velocityThresholds mechanics as in Lead presets kicks in, that allows to choose sample within a group based on the velocity.
This is the sample group that is going to be triggered. At least when no DrumPatch/CymbalPatch stuff is in the KitPatch.
Most confusing part is noteThresholds. From one side it seems to be ignored. It works for me fine with
noteThresholds="99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106" setting, where there is completely no meaningful corellation with other elements, so it looks useless. However, it still somehow mandatory to have the correct amount of numbers in the noteThresholds (sample groups amount minus 1 ), and each number should be bigger then the previous, otherwise it does not work properly.
For sure, I still can be mistaken in my theories, at least noteThresholds part is kind of strange, and note= attribute mystery is not solved yet at all.
But that's all I've got for now.
Also attaching an example xml that I used for testing and this post.
@Ignis32 Wow! That is truly some great detective work and thanks for documenting it. This information will be vital for other Orba Hackers who join in the years to come. A few comments:
On using the same note. I had tried this a little while back when I shared my Tibetan Singing Bowl test in another forum. I assigned the same note to all pads so that you could circle your finger around like you were tracing the edge of an actual singing bowl. The thing I noticed is that it does not reset the note when you do this. If you hold down a note and then press another pad with the same note, it will not stop the initial note or restart it. I was hoping to find a way that making circles slowly would make the volume lower while making circles more quickly would make the sound louder.. Like when you do this with a wine glass.. I will probably go back to that idea once we know more about the Drum Preset setups.
I know that some of the older presets (Orba 1 generation) do not use samples, and the output is created in a different way by the synth module. Maybe looking at these may provide more insight into how the whole chain works.
I think there are a number of attributes in place that are not used (yet) such as note. I have found other examples of unused attributes as well and I believe they are there for future purposes. Since Artiphon is using the JUCE engine, some of these may be mandatory even if not used by Artiphon's implementation.
Some additional stuff I got bumped into during new year holidays.
1) Looks like there is a limit of SampleDrumPatches that can be used. My guess is that it is limited by 16 SampleDrumPatches (that's the maxmium amount for known factory presets).
Everything that exceeds the limit will not be loaded, and therefore not played
2) Most probably there also is a limit for velocityThresholds / sampleMap strings. I could not estimate this limitation, but had bumped into it.
Found that when I'd made attempt to pseudo-randomize samples.
Idea was that that slightest velocity change would be a kind of random seed for choosing variants of the sample, to produce more natural sound.
For example, let say we have 3 sample variants for the same note.
velocity 50 choses sample 1, velocity 51 - sample 2, velocity 53 - sample 3,
and then we go in circles - velocity 54 - sample 1 again, 55 will be2, and so on.
But such epic velocity/sample groups that has a different sample for each +1 velocity change, total of 126 velocity ranges for about 7 sample groups - does not work. Only some of the first groups are played, so I think it is a string length limitation in sampleMap and noteThreshold strings.. But I've pushed this too far in many directions, to be really sure where exactly limitation is.
3) And the last one for today. I am starting to get more or less stable results in artipreset generation from sf2, and even wanted to share some example preset collection, but looks like tunings are quite vital for a collection of presets to play together well. For example, combination of ElectricBass BigStrings SoloViolin used as templates for generating Bass, Chords and Lead respectively, produces a collection of preset that is not actually playable. Pitches are alright, and notes are the same that are produced when using Orba as midi controller to play the same SF2 instrument from my PC, so I assume there is nothing wrong with preset generation. But "scales" on different instruments do not fit each other completely.
Tunings for lead, bass and chords should match together somehow. Otherwise you have all these instruments, each one plays more or less nice, but they do not fit each other melodically.
I've generated a list of known tunings/intervals for the known factory presets, and I guess each Lead should have corresponding compatible Bass and Chords here (and probably Chords should also have some corresponding chords setting), but at the moment I do not know good sounding combinations / relations between them, nor I understand what intervals string really mean.
My best bet for now is to write down all the tunings/intervals for the known factory collections, which were designed to be played together, and use these tunings to override tunings in the templates I am using to generate new presets.
"Lead": {
"60, 62, 64, 67, 69, 72, 74, 76": "P1, M2, M3, P5, M6, P8, M9, M10",
"67, 69, 70, 72, 74, 75, 77, 79": "P1, M2, m3, P4, P5, m6, m7, P8",
"69, 72, 74, 76, 79, 81, 84, 86": "P1, m3, P4, P5, m7, P8, m10, P11",
"60, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69, 71, 72": "P1, M2, M3, P4, P5, M6, M7, P8",
"62, 65, 67, 69, 72, 74, 77, 79": "P1, m3, P4, P5, m7, P8, m10, P11",
"66, 68, 69, 71, 73, 74, 76, 78": "P1, M2, m3, P4, P5, m6, M7, P8"
"Bass": {
"48, 50, 52, 53, 55, 57, 59, 60": "P1, M2, M3, P4, P5, M6, M7, P8",
"55, 57, 58, 60, 62, 63, 65, 67": "P1, M2, m3, P4, P5, m6, m7, P8",
"57, 59, 60, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69": "P1, M2, m3, P4, P5, m6, m7, P8",
"50, 52, 53, 55, 57, 58, 60, 62": "P1, M2, m3, P4, P5, m6, m7, P8",
"54, 56, 57, 59, 61, 62, 64, 66": "P1, M2, m3, P4, P5, m6, M7, P8",
" 55, 57, 58, 60, 62, 63, 65, 67": "P1, M2, m3, P4, P5, m6, m7, P8"
"Chords": {
"48, 50, 52, 53, 55, 57, 59, 60": "P1, M2, M3, P4, P5, M6, M7, P8",
"67, 69, 70, 72, 74, 75, 77, 79": "P1, M2, m3, P4, P5, m6, m7, P8",
"57, 59, 60, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69": "P1, M2, m3, P4, P5, m6, m7, P8",
"50, 52, 53, 55, 57, 58, 60, 62": "P1, M2, m3, P4, P5, m6, m7, P8",
"66, 68, 69, 71, 73, 74, 76, 78": "P1, M2, m3, P4, P5, m6, M7, P8"
"Drums": {
"36,38,42,49,43,45,51,70": "P1, M2, A4, m9, P5, M6, m10, m21",
"36, 38, 42, 49, 43, 45, 51, 70": "P1, M2, A4, m9, P5, M6, m10, m21"
Questions are()if somebody knows):
1) How actually switching between Major/Minor and root note in the Orba2 app works?
XML stores only one hardcoded tuning, so probably it gots transformed on the fly somehow
2) What are these intervals in the XML exactly and how are they supposed to work?
I've generated a list of known unique factory preset collections tunings.
By collections I mean presets starting with the same name like "EyesClosed" appearing in all three types of instruments - Lead Bass Chords. Also I excluded stem presets, as soon as tunings there could be random, and pitch is not transposed anyway.
Assuming that each factory collection contains instruments compatible with each other by tuning, by using one of these sets of tunings , you should also get instruments compatible with each other the same way as original factory collection instruments are.
If I had not been mistaken with my python code for generating this stuff, there are 3 sets of stock tunings used in Orba2 currently:
"Bass": {
"tuning": "48, 50, 52, 53, 55, 57, 59, 60",
"intervals": "P1, M2, M3, P4, P5, M6, M7, P8",
"key": "C",
"name": "Major"
"Chords": {
"tuning": "48, 50, 52, 53, 55, 57, 59, 60",
"intervals": "P1, M2, M3, P4, P5, M6, M7, P8",
"key": "C",
"name": "Major"
"Lead": {
"tuning": "60, 62, 64, 67, 69, 72, 74, 76",
"intervals": "P1, M2, M3, P5, M6, P8, M9, M10",
"key": "C",
"name": "Major Pentatonic"
"Bass": {
"tuning": "57, 59, 60, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69",
"intervals": "P1, M2, m3, P4, P5, m6, m7, P8",
"key": "A",
"name": "Major"
"Chords": {
"tuning": "57, 59, 60, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69",
"intervals": "P1, M2, m3, P4, P5, m6, m7, P8",
"key": "A",
"name": "Natural Minor"
"Lead": {
"tuning": "69, 72, 74, 76, 79, 81, 84, 86",
"intervals": "P1, m3, P4, P5, m7, P8, m10, P11",
"key": "A",
"name": "Minor Pentatonic"
"Bass": {
"tuning": "50, 52, 53, 55, 57, 58, 60, 62",
"intervals": "P1, M2, m3, P4, P5, m6, m7, P8",
"key": "D",
"name": "Natural Minor"
"Chords": {
"tuning": "50, 52, 53, 55, 57, 58, 60, 62",
"intervals": "P1, M2, m3, P4, P5, m6, m7, P8",
"key": "D",
"name": "Natural Minor"
"Lead": {
"tuning": "62, 65, 67, 69, 72, 74, 77, 79",
"intervals": "P1, m3, P4, P5, m7, P8, m10, P11",
"key": "D",
"name": "Minor Pentatonic"
This forum is intended to share Orba 2 hacking tips amongst the Orba 2 community. NOTE: Please post facts that are well understood & useful. If you have theories to discuss, please start another forum and link to it here.
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