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Cant update firmware on Orba 2

connected to my Mac book pro to update. Always failed with 

"Failed to update firmware",

and shows "restoring Orba 2 to normal operation please wait while it restarts"

Then it takes forever

Hello, I have other issues.

1. Orba 2 looses conncetion to the phone app ( Android) and freezes via bluetooth.

2. After connecting Orba 2 to my PC or Phone the Chord does not work at´s mute. The App is showing the input visualy but no sound.

3. When starting the app is telling me to update the firmware but I can´t find a new one online. Same in the desktop app when connecting via USB no info about a new firmware.

Any thoughts, thanks in advance


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Sorry to hear you're having issues with your Orba 2, Zhongnan. 

Can you open up a support ticket with your log files, so we can take a closer look at what's going on? 

You can find these in your Documents > Artiphon > Orba folder. Please include both the DebugLog and the FWUpdateLog from these folders? 

Let me know if you have any questions about this process. 

My new Orba 2 (L22125032)

is not working.

The App for Mcos is downloaded.

The App shows Orba(1) and gives infos to download Orba(1)software

But the same MacOs App shows in the Topline: It is ORBA 2

The presets (eg from Tom Thum) are shown, but when clicking on them, they are "empty"

I tried at least three times to delete the whole app and install it for new,

In the the settings it shows me on the Macbook screen and on the iphone, that is is connected by usb,

that that there exist Midi options, that it is loading, that it is the 0rba2 app, but all the presets with their nice thumbnails are empty.

When trying to do the upgrade it shows "failed"

So at the time being i only have a basic version of the Orba 1, which is useless for me, because i already owned a Orba 1 before,....

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