I've been diffing some random bass presets: for modifiers and seekers (whatever they are) only the uuid is changing. Same for BezierCurvesEntry, GestureCurveAssignmentsEntry, EventCurveAssignmentsEntry; no change.
However, they do change across different kind of presets (e.g. Bass VS Chords)
It is only a time matter before nerdy hackers reunite under this thread! :D
I'd really love a synth lab area in the app where you can fiddle with patch params and send the preset live to orba to try. In fact, it wouldn't be that hard to implement, IMHO.
Also, while we wait (hopefully) for official documentation, if there's anyone is willing to contribute documenting parameters here, i.e. function, allowed range, etc., it would be more than welcome. @Sam, did you get to understand other parameters than the ones in the synth patch? Those are kind of straightforward, however others, e.g. gestures, bezier curve, etc., are quite cryptic to crack open.
I was following along with what Andrea Mannocci said in a previous post and ended up making a few presets, one of which I like enough to share. It is a mod of the Cartridge Chords preset with more sustain / reverb and some filter movement. Tilt is kinda odd, not sure how to make this part better but hey, Its a start! File attached, place it with the other presets in the Artiphon folder within your directory. (search for .orbapreset and you will find the directory).
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