Hi! I ordered my Orba at the end of January. I just got it this past weekend. I had to follow the firmware update instructions pinned in the forums to get it to update the firmware and talk to the app (twice, as it failed the first time). Other than that it's been a fun little device to play with. I look forward to seeing what I can do with it.
You're very quick to judge whether or not they are censoring feedback. In this thread alone are many posts critical of the device, including your last one that was approved.
Any forum is subject to spambots showing up to fill the forums with irrelevant advertisements if they just let any post get through.
The question was, "when will the Orba app be available in the Google Play store?"
The Apple App Store is not the Google Play Store.
Having an incredible hard time connecting my iphone to the orba via bluetooth by itself. The orba will connect to the orba app if I connect the orba to another 3rd party app (garage band), then the orba app will see the connection, but what if I don't want to connect to a 3rd party app first? Can someone assist?
With a product like Orba there isn't just one target user. There are many different buyer personas, age groups, skill levels, use cases and musical interests. Might be good for Artiphon to do a survey of their users: age, musical experience, how you expect to use it, what other apps, DAWs or instruments you use, type of music you like etc.
Personally, I'm most interested in using Orba as an alternative to Logic Pro to experiment with musical ideas. My interests are in classic rock, blues. I've played 3 chord rock guitar and bass for many years and have written and recorded songs using Logic Pro including a free rock opera. I occasionally dabble with synths / midi controller, but not too much. I have a Novation Circuit that's gathering dust as I can't find a good way to integrate it into my regular workflow. But I picked up a cheap Launchpad X and that's more promising. (It also has a "scale mode" for which I'm grateful.
I'll try the Orba as a controller in Logic Pro also, but that's probably secondary to an "untethered" experience. I'm not looking for the Orba App to become a DAW but if I have to use an App to change sounds and keys, you may as well give me a bit more functionality.
I am curious if there's anyone else coming at it from a similar experience or interest. Or did I walk into the wrong kind of music venue by mistake ;-)
I want to be removed from the list for receiving emails. How do I do that? I don't see an UNSUBSCRIBE in any of your email or my account page. Make it stop!
Hello all,
Just got my Orba yesterday and started getting familiar with it. I did RTFM :D One thing that I really find odd is that there is NO WAY to stop (not pause!) loop playback apparently. I can't seem to find a way to stop a recorded loop, and then have it start from the beginning. The pause does not do the same thing. Anyway. I'll keep playing with this new toy and see what else I discover.
@ Peter & Ben - I must indeed compliment Artiphon on that. It doesn't matter how much and for how long I complain. It does not help, but it does not go away either :-)
Hi. I am the new owner of Orba, I discovered the tool only recently, I am captivated by the concept, everything still works ...
Adam McHeffey
Hi there and welcome to the new Orba forum!
Please introduce yourself, and let us know what you think. We’re eager to hear your thoughts.
If you come upon an issue, the fastest way to find a solution is by contacting [email protected]. Though we do our best to always respond, your post in this forum could get lost in the more high-volume threads.
You can also feel free to start a new forum thread if you have an interesting discussion point. It could be about anything – the sounds, the industrial design, the app as it continues to be developed, or anything else!
Rock and roll,
Adam from Artiphon
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