I got my Orba (from the Kickstarter) earlier this week and I'm starting to learn more about it. My 10 year old is also delighted with it.
I'm someone who didn't know about the Kickstarter and just placed an order. I got an order confirmation and then a follow-up yesterday saying I'd receive my Orba in...four weeks? I'm curious as to why you don't make it clear upon ordering that there is s significant wait? And after reading some of the threads here, wondering what exactly is the shipping process and why purchasing a device like this should be cause for heartburn and anxiety? Did I just screw up by ordering?
Please, reassure me!
Unfortunately, these questions are still topical ...
Két napja használom! A tapasztalatom pozitív! Orba-Iphone SE - A GarageBand tökéletes összhangban működik bluetooth kapcsolaton keresztül :) Nem tapasztaltam hibát vagy összeomlást. Mikor lesz elérhető több hang az alkalmazásból? Mikor kapcsol ki a vibro motor? Köszönök mindent !
Thanks for your positive feedback, @Nagy! Glad to hear you're enjoying your Orba. Keep an eye out on our social media for updates to the app. That's where we'll be announcing any new features to Orba.
Wow - posted here half an hour ago, perfectly polite but not complimentary - and my post has vanished. That is totally unacceptable from any company.
Given the nature of many of the communications here (and their continued presence), I would suspect a technical glitch before editorial control over comments.
I think you may just be looking in the wrong thread. There's a post from you that seems to fit that description here.
I didn't accept anything. I pointed out that your premise of them censoring negative feedback is observably false. If your post was indeed disapproved, it is not for the reason you assumed.
Adam McHeffey
Hi there and welcome to the new Orba forum!
Please introduce yourself, and let us know what you think. We’re eager to hear your thoughts.
If you come upon an issue, the fastest way to find a solution is by contacting [email protected]. Though we do our best to always respond, your post in this forum could get lost in the more high-volume threads.
You can also feel free to start a new forum thread if you have an interesting discussion point. It could be about anything – the sounds, the industrial design, the app as it continues to be developed, or anything else!
Rock and roll,
Adam from Artiphon
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